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Proposing at the Holidays September 24, 2007

Posted by Jill Renee in : Buying Engagement Rings, Diamond Jewelry, Diamonds, Engagement Rings, Holiday Proposals, Proposing Marriage, Romantic Tips , trackback

If you are planning to propose this holiday season here is a great idea. It takes a little planning but you will be a superstar fiancé by Christmas Day!

Advent Calendars are a wonderful holiday tradition.

Although the traditional calendar is a wooden box etc Use your imagination and create your own. Wrap twenty four small packages and number them with the corresponding date of the month..have your girlfriend open package number one on December 1 and so on…on December 24 or 25 put your engagement ring in the package. If you are afraid she will peek wrap an empty box and arrive with the “real” package in your pocket. Tell her you forgot to include the gift and pop the question!!

Here are some ideas for the twenty five packages:

Selling jewelry over the internet has been a wonderful adventure this past year. Although our company was launched in December 2005 things did not really get rolling until this past year. As a matter of record I felt a little like the Maytag repair man for the first year! Although I have been in and around the jewelry industry for most of my life; selling through this new medium has been wonderful. One of the best parts is not having to get dressed up in heels to go to work. I can sit at my computer and converse for hours with my customers and potential customers. Now that is the BEST part. I have gotten to speak with and sell to people all over the world and it amazes me at how similar most of us area we all want to be treated with respect and honesty and we all are so happy when we are in love. Especially when we are preparing to get engaged!! It’s one of the most wonderful times whether you are young or old it does not make a difference! That’s why we make sure each ring is made with tender loving care. One of our mottos is that we need to be sending out good karma with every ring so that the good karma comes back to us! This has its ups and downs because we will not ship a ring unless it’s perfect. We are a company that is heavily female and we all love jewelry so if we wouldn’t want it we won’t sell it to our customers. Our production team has accused us of being perfectionists and that’s how we like it. Even I have been disappointed when I have ordered potential product for the website. It looks beautiful in the pictures but when it arrives its very lightweight and flimsy or the necklace or earrings don’t look or sit right when being worn (we try everything on!). This type of product never will show up on the Danforth website. As this year comes to a close I wanted to thank each one of our wonderful customers (yes we do have the best customers) for a successful year. I wish you all the happiest and healthiest of New Years!

Best Wishes,
Jill Renee


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