Clever Tips for Finding Your Girlfriend’s Ring Size May 19, 2008
Posted by Jill Renee in : Buying Jewelry, Engagement Rings, Proposing Marriage, Romantic Tips , trackbackYou want to propose and give her an engagement ring that fits, but you don’t know her ring size. A great deal of thought goes into the preparations required to make your proposal unique, memorable and error-free. In most cases, months are spent selecting the engagement ring, coordinating the exact place and time of the proposal, and rehearsing the words that come closest to expressing what the heart feels on the day the question is finally asked. And just like the glass slipper in Cinderella, the ring must fit to confirm that you are indeed the handsome prince she has been waiting for.
Finding the ring size of your bride-to-be without making your intention to propose obvious can require imagination, ingenuity and a stroke of luck. Having a ring she currently wears on her ring finger can ease the burden, but most women keep their ring finger sacred and free of jewelry that would provide an exact ring size. To help, we provide the following list which contains a few sneaky ways to figure out what the size of her ring finger is.
Trust In Friends To Help
Most of those close to you and your bride-to-be are more than happy to help you on your quest to find her ring size. Think about her best friends, coworkers, and even her mom to get the ring size information. This can easily be done if they allow her to try on their rings, go window shopping for jewelry, or have them simply ask.
Covertly Capture the Ring’s Size
If you are fortunate enough to have a bride-to-be that enjoys jewelry, then make it a point to “borrow” a ring-finger ring once it is removed. In some cases, the wearer won’t notice that the ring is missing if it’s only gone for a few hours while you’re having the jeweler obtain its size. However, if the ring-finger jewelry is only removed for brief periods (such as while showering), a model or imprint will have to do. To capture the ring’s size, simply trace the inner circle of the ring on a piece of paper or make an imprint of the ring in a soft material such as soap, clay or bread and return the ring to its former location. In this way, a measurement can be made without the physical ring being present.
Use Paper or a String to Guess the Ring
If your bride-to-be is a heavy sleeper, then it may be possible to wrap a thin strip of paper around her finger and mark where the paper overlaps itself. This method will provide a fairly accurate ring size. A twist could also be to tie a string to her finger to make sure she does forget something you deem important. Insist on having the string tied to the ring-finger, and when it is removed pocket the string. This is crafty and works best on a very unsuspecting bride-to-be.
Bring It Up in Group Conversation
If all else fails, then simply comment (or have your friend comment) on a ring that belongs to someone else. This may get the ring size conversation going in your direction. Fabricate as necessary by talking about the similarities of the ring in question with your (mother’s / grandmother’s/ sister’s) ring; ask what size it is and if you can see it; allow your bride-to-be to try it on; comment on the stones; anything to get the ring conversation going. You don’t have to get the exact size now; you can subtly revisit and finish the discussion at a later time when the two of you are alone.
Both you and your bride-to-be deserve perfection from start to finish, and hopefully, these tips will help you to make sure the engagement ring is sized perfectly. By taking the time to secure the right ring size you open up more options on your ring selection and ensure that she is showing off her engagement ring immediately following the proposal. The time spent finding out the right ring size is sure to pay off big dividends on your proposal day.
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